DrSunnyMarie - Rune Card Reading and Indian Astrology in Francisco Morato
Talk to DrSunnyMarie - Rune Card Reading and Indian Astrology in Francisco Morato on-line. 30- years of experience in Indian Astrology. Her warmth, integrity and honesty compliments her amazing God given gifts of a Powerful Visionary, and profound healing abilities.Her Natural Born Clairvoyance is exceptionally detailed, and in-depth! World Renown~ Expert and Counselor for Couples/Expert in Soul Mate/Twin Flame relationships / Marriage / Separation / divorces. finances/ prosperity!Poverty Consciousness,stop listening to those accusing voices in side! Dr Sunny is Clairvoyant Counselor / Healer/Teacher,and Mentor for 37 yrs! Your Here to get help solutions, and resolve,with Peace of Mind!. Not to feel more confused then when you started, or mixed signals, or smoke screens! Dr Sunny is a Spiritual Doctor of psychology, and meta physician. Dr Holistic healing medicines for emotions, unconscious ruminating negative thoughts of the mind, spirit,soul.She is a natural born clairvoyant.Registered Minister.Who works within the realms of divine ascended masters,angels, and the Creator of the Universe.Dr Sunny after 35 yrs has,become a world renown teacher of enlightenment and spiritual evolving, along with mentoring study program for Universal laws.Dr Sunny's life had come to a halt at seventeen yrs old, from a direct hit of an on coming vehicle on a foggy Sunday morning! Dr Sunny experienced what everyone wants to know! What is God like,and what is it truly like in the Spirit world, and is there really Heaven! Dr Sunny's had first hand experience,and knowledge.I can assure you there is more then what we see hear, on the Earth! I was sharing a one on one Intimate conversation with The "Creator" of this Universe! We talked of my purpose in being there, and that if I would want to return, I could help many people, and I could impact many lives,with healing, direction to Creator, because of what I have seen and experienced First hand! Clearly, as you know, I made my decision! My "soul" reason in being here... is to bring Detailed Clear focus and guided understanding of your relationship to a higher positive Level.(There is a reason for everything that is happening in your life). I will also Provide directed Steps to bring forth abundance,release blocks and fear caused by(poverty consciousness).We will work together to strengthen your spiritual Core of your being. As we are Spiritual Beings first and for most then emotions, mind, and physical flow with that foundation, so the universe can accompany us with assisting in identifying and removing the blockages and barriers preventing you from rising to your highest degree of Creativity and empowerment in your Spirit...love... Life... Prosperity, and your very soul. Dr Sunny has experiences many divine encounters, and life sustaining experiences. Her love and dedication to helping and rescue horses, brought forth another direct intervention with Creator.Sunny was test riding a horse in need of a home,a man using a sodding iron, creating flames caught the attention and spooked the horse, she bolted as Dr sunny was dismounting, with on hand holding on to her mane, and half way off the horse, aloud voice said with clarity and Great authority! Tuck and roll,NOW! The Horse was in a full run across and open field,dr sunny's saddle was turning under her, and with not a minute to spare, she leaped, and had landed on her shoulder had she not tucked and rolled as Creator instructed, she would have broken her neck! Sunny came through with a concision, and ripped ligaments in the neck,instead of going back to the Creator. Dr Sunny encountered a thief,at the grocery store in Albany NY at 10 pm at night,he approached her vehicle,and warned her he had a gun in his pocket, and instructed her to move over so he could enter the car.Again the Voice of the creator had spoken to her, and stated it is not a gun do not fear! As clear as a voice can be!Authoritative all know God.Bringing forth a feeling of peace and no fear, laying her hand on the horn and yelled out for help!He then fled on foot from fear!The police abducted him a week later, at another grocery store. It is indisputably Clear, Dr Sunny is truly meant to be here with us! Dr Sunny is known around the world lives her life devoted to teaching, how to clearly here ,listen,and act on our higher spiritual Integrity. When you allow spiritual self to be with you all the time. You can Rely and lean upon their light to heal you protect you in all aspects of your life,regarding relationships with family, friends and intimate partners.This protection and direction is here for all of us, for your healing of your spirit, health, wealth, and prosperity. We Did not come here by our self's ! Without Universal Guidance, and direction and a purpose of being.We are not alone here on the earth, and we do not leave alone! The Divine and all the guardians, are here with us.All the time! Dr Sunny in all of these major life altering experiences has been guided to look at psychology from a whole new perspective, her natural born clairvoyance assisted her in clarity and strength in presenting a new approach combining her background in psychology with her Spirituality,for Divine and directed Instruction to help mankind alike. Dr Sunny is here to help you,in Spirit, emotion ,mind,and body.She will offer you truth with clear direction, divinely instructed, for your life situations personally. No matter what you are struggling with! Her rates are not cheap, that is because she is worth her weight in Gold, and then some! She will change your life,provide positive loving insight, guidance, and gifts to your heart,and soul! * Depression * Grief counseling * Relationships * Prosperity * Spiritual enlightenment & guidance * In depth insight to parenting support * Couples counseling and beyond. * Registered Parapsychologist * In depth studies in paranormal entities, Analysis in private dwellings and removal of spirit and poltergeist activity and paranormal activity. * Certified in Metapsychical studies, at the Institute of metaphysical Sciences, Orlando Florida Experience: *Teacher/Mentor Universal Laws, Understand the Universe is always listening to everything you think, feel, and say! You are a Creator, you create through your thoughts. Your mind is a battery force, capable of unbelievable tasks, and seeming miracles out of no where! "For as he thinks within himself, so he is." * Verification of Soul mates / Twin Flame relation are they to stay a life time, or just to help you out of your own blocks, or limitations from within or both. I provide coping skills with in depth direction to go forward! *Therapist/Analytic Behavioral Specialist,BS, MA, LCSW Counseling for your Spirit, emotions,mind,soul.Work involves addressing behavioral issues, unconscious patterns, Using positive Spiritual psychology, in the realms of divine masters, angels and Creator infusing healing with Couples, relationships, marriage, family,divorce,reconciliation.With Great success! * Dream Analysis: Your dreams will give you in depth enlightenment as to where you are. Full analysis of what your dream is telling you ,and how to Integrate it into your conscious mind, to help you more deeply understand yourself, and your situation. Your Dreams are just an extension of you! *Parapsychologist: Parapsychology is the scientific and scholarly study of certain unusual events associated with human experience. I am a Scholar who is seriously interested in the "paranormal. "three general categories apply here, ESP (terms explained if needed) PK, and phenomena suggestive of survival after bodily death, including near-death experiences, apparitions, and reincarnation. *Certified Metaphysical Scientific Studies: principle objective is to discover the laws of nature for which we must adjust. clarity of thought and moral insight are necessary because all processes, including those of thought, rest on the firm foundation of truth. By living day to day with metaphysical principles through the awareness of personal thoughts, one discovers we are not “victims” of circumstance. Instead, embrace the acknowledgement that life actually follows a natural pattern according to conscious and subconscious thoughts! The Law of thinking. *Natural Born Clairvoyant: No training.I have always been this way! I thought up until 15 yrs. old, everyone was this way! There for I don't use cards~ they are created by another persons interpretations' use my God Given Gifts and my clarity comes directly from the Creator, I just get out of the way. * Pet therapy Analysis: When we speak to the animals, they will speak to us. They have many gifts to offer us, we only need to listen to learn! My spiritual journey to the other side deeply enhanced my communication with animals. Well my friend, Your journey begins here! leave uncertainty, conflict, and confusion behind. I will show you how... I am here for you, with highly evolved spiritual integrity and enlightenment. That will inspire you, enhance your creativity, enthusiasm, ingenuity, and confidence so you can live your life as you have been intended too! In the relationship you want and desire, achieve the prosperity you deserve, the loving partnership you wish for, along with inner peace, and happiness. Today is the beginning of something wonderful happening in your world, it is the day you come face to face with the "I AM" in you! I am here to help you get there, and that is what I will do! my promise to you=) I'm Now Online, or arrange a callback with me.*** Ask me about my mentoring private program Teaching Universal laws Gods Blessings, and Love To your World!
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